Summer in the South is an unforgettable experience that revisits us each year in new chapters. As our surroundings change and our age, so do our experiences. As I dined with a girlfriend this week at a popular Memphis eatery I sat in the same booth that had hosted my grandparents and myself so many times. I had just dined in that booth with my grandfather last summer before his health declined. While I was enjoying a fantastic meal with a great friend I was being flooded with memories that came to life clear as day. I had shared so many desserts in that booth as my grandmother fought lung cancer or the day my grandfather had eye surgery he felt well enough for a quick lunch in our special booth. I make beautiful pieces of pewter that will live on for many summer chapters. It’s amazing how a goblet, chair, or even flower can flood our hearts with memories of those we have loved so much and left huge imprints on our life. As we make each piece of Tennessee Pewter we put skill and love into our pieces. As I engrave pieces I often think of future generations that will be treasuring our pieces. As we enjoy the fruits of summer here in the American South I urge you to find your memories and revisit wonderful times past and present with special family or friends. It’s amazing how memories give objects a soul.